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The Ecclesiastical’s 12 days of giving

There are many opportunities at this time of the year to raise awareness and achieve funding for our wonderful Charity
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The Ecclesiastical’s 12 days of giving.  
Your nomination really counts
£1,000 could make a big difference to the work we do with our support groups for bereaved families.
That’s why we’d be really grateful if you could nominate us in the Ecclesiastical’s 12 days of giving.
Your nomination could be the one that wins us £1,000.
Open to eligible charities in the UK and Republic of Ireland, Ecclesiastical will be donating a total of £120,000 to 120 charities over 12 days in December and we’d love to be one of them

£1000 will enable us to continue to hold the monthly groups for men, women & siblings separately so the whole family can be supported.
It will enable the use of 2 trained experienced counsellors to facilitate the groups & offer 1-2-1 support when needed.
The groups are run at our Support Centre in Polegate enabling people with lived shared experience to talk with each other is a safe calm environment for 8 years.
A family member as told us “sharing experiences with other bereaved parents I started to recognise and understand my grief and slowly have found ways of learning to live with the new me”
This service is vital to preserve life & protect mental health.

It’s quick and easy to nominate us.
Just visit, click ‘nominate now’ and enter our details - Charity Number - 1147534
Nominations are open now, closing at midnight the day before each draw.
Charities not drawn will be carried over to the next draw, and draws will take place each weekday from 5 December to 20 December 2019.
The more nominations we get, the greater our chance of winning, so please spread the word to your friends and family.
Thank you in advance for your time and support

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