We are very grateful to so many wonderful companies who have supported us and donated this month from staff member nominations. Thank you ..
Strutt & Parker £3500,
The Park Lane Group £920,
Ansvar Insurance £125,
We are Stix Drummers Charity of the Year – all their hard work drumming and marching has raised £1000.
Thank you.
Another £81.40 from M&S pink pots in store – thanks to their lovely customers.
Sussex Plumbing Supplies raised £90 at a Charity Golf Day. Thank you
Rob completed the London to Brighton bike ride and has raised £500 in memory of Sammy. Thank you
Thank you so much to the family and friends of Sam Richards who have donated over £1000 in his memory.
Thank you so much.
Davina wingwalked in memory of Matthew and has raised £2272 with gift aid
Thank you so much. You are very brave!!
Check out all our fundraisers stories at http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/fund/youraisemeup2017
All added to the off line donations bringing the annual total over £75,000.