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September Fundraising & donation update

We are very grateful to so many wonderful companies who have supported us and donated this month from staff member nominations. Thank you ..

Strutt & Parker £3500,

The Park Lane Group £920,

Ansvar Insurance £125,

We are Stix Drummers Charity of the Year – all their hard work drumming and marching has raised £1000.

Thank you.

Another £81.40 from M&S pink pots in store – thanks to their lovely customers.

Sussex Plumbing Supplies raised £90 at a Charity Golf Day. Thank you

Rob completed the London to Brighton bike ride and has raised £500 in memory of Sammy. Thank you

Thank you so much to the family and friends of Sam Richards who have donated over £1000 in his memory.

Thank you so much.

Davina wingwalked in memory of Matthew and has raised £2272 with gift aid

Thank you so much. You are very brave!!

Check out all our fundraisers stories at

All added to the off line donations bringing the annual total over £75,000.

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